Roasted Garlic Herb Oil Recipe


You know when you run across a seasoning or a spice, and you love it so much you want to use it on every single thing that you cook?

That's what happened the first time my family made this roasted garlic herb oil recipe. I think it was introduced to us by my grandma, and it quickly became a family favorite. We put it on everything, from seafood to asparagus to Brussel's sprouts to potatoes to bread to.... the list goes on. 

Sometimes, during the summer when we spend a lot of time barbecuing in the backyard, we literally put the herb oil on every part of the meal. 

When I think of one of my favorite meals of all time, I think of the summer my family became obsessed with a meal made up of grilled prawns, grilled baguette, and grilled asparagus (all drizzled with this herb oil). We would sit out on the deck, feasting on all that deliciousness practically every night, fighting over the last of it because it all tasted that good. 

If you are looking to add flavor and interest to your dish, whether it be sauteed vegetables, roasted potatoes, or whatever you are putting on the grill, give this herb oil recipe a try.

Just make up a big batch, put it in a jar, store it in the fridge, and use it on anything and everything whenever you need a quick tasty meal. It's so versatile and so delicious, you wont be disappointed. 

Roasted Garlic Herb Oil Recipe 


3 C extra-virgin olive oil
3 T minced garlic
3 T dried oregano*
3 T dried basil*
3 T Kosher salt
2 T crushed red peppers
2 T fresh rosemary
pinch of cayenne
pinch of white pepper

*Hint: When you can, use fresh herbs instead. Use two times as much fresh in place of dried.

To make the herb oil:

1.     Put oil in saucepan and place on medium heat.

2.     Add minced garlic and roast until golden.

3.     Remove from heat and add remaining spices.

4.     Let cool, and store in the fridge until ready to use.


It's as simple as that. Enjoy!