Migraine Coaching



Are migraines controlling your life?

If you experience regular migraines, then you know that migraines are an extremely powerful force. They can roll in even when least expected, even when you did everything to prevent their arrival, and even when you are already too weak to stand up and fight. And when they roll in, they can wreak complete havoc on your life.

In a life impacted by migraine, it can feel like you lose a lot of what makes you happy: relationships, jobs, hobbies, fun, exercise, etc. In fact, when it comes down to it, you can lose your sense of self, feeling lost in the wake of the migraine steamroll effect.

I've dealt with recurrent migraines for over a decade, so I know personally what it is like to live with migraine.

I know how hard it is to find the strength to pick yourself up over and over again after recurring migraine attacks. I know how much courage it takes to live through the pain and debilitating symptoms. I know how discouraging it is when medications or promising home remedies don’t work, and how hard it can be to inspire yourself to keep searching for answers.

And I also know how tempting it can feel to succumb to the desperation that occurs when it feels like migraines have taken over everything.

But I am here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way. You can still live a life full of joy and fulfillment and lofty dreams – even with a migraine diagnosis.

If you want to tackle your migraines and learn to free yourself from their grip – you’ve come to the right place.


You don’t have to take on your migraines alone. Reach out for help today.

Why migraine coaching?

My aim is to help you live better with migraines. I want you to take back the wheel, no longer letting migraines rule your life.

This means not just doing everything in your power to reduce the frequency and severity of your migraines, but also learning how to be the very best that you can be – happier, healthier, and more fulfilled – despite the challenges that living with migraine presents.

Migraine-free life is clearly the ultimate goal for all of us, but what about what we do in the meantime, while we work out the solutions?

This is the focus of Migraine Coaching with Cultivate Balance. I am here to support you in choosing joy and hope and fulfillment, and to keep taking steps forward even if you are still experiencing migraines.

During the coaching process, we will help you figure out how to adapt your lifestyle, perspective, and attitude to better roll with the punches and not just cope – but also thrive – when living with migraine.


In migraine coaching you will:

  • Shift your mindset, allowing yourself to get back in the driver’s seat of your own life

  • Look at how migraines impact your relationships, career, family, emotions, hobbies, activity levels, etc., and take steps one by one to improve all areas of your life.

  • Discover techniques to reduce the stress and emotional burden of migraines

  • Explore alternative options to find whatever relief possible

  • Help you feel more connected and supported – and less isolated – while living with migraine

  • Remember what it feels like to lead a happy, healthy, fulfilling life despite your migraine experience


What makes migraine coaching different?

My migraine coaching sessions are different than any other service out there. I’m not going to prescribe you a miracle herb or tell you that eating a certain diet will cure your migraines. I know all too well that these sorts of claims can be not just misleading, but also harmful and heartbreaking if they don’t pan out.

It’s time for something new. It’s time for you to become empowered, remembering what it’s like to be in the driver’s seat, rather than letting migraines take the wheel.

Migraine coaching is not me telling you what to do, or me suggesting a long list of techniques and remedies and self-care tools to try. Migraine coaching is about me guiding you through the process of figuring out how to regain control, one day at a time, so that you can feel happier, healthier, and more balanced despite this difficult condition.

Migraines are a complex condition that can be so very hard to live with. But the good news I that I also know there is always a way to move forward, even in the face of the scariest obstacles.

I know that you can live a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life even if you experience migraines. 


So what are you waiting for?

Don’t allow migraines to hold you back. Start living to your highest potential.

Learn how I can help you break free of your migraines by scheduling a free consultation today.


Read more about my own migraine journey and why I was inspired to launch Cultivate Balance Migraine Coaching here.